
Power2Improve is a rapidly growing organization. The development of happy, high performing organizations, teams and individuals is our priority. Regularly we have vacancies for trainees and freelance trainers, coaches, consultants and project managers.

Develop yourself and others with Power2Improve

Power2Improve helps its clients to become happy, high performing organizations, with involved, motivated employees, who possess the right skills. Therefore the work environment we offer our own employees, offers them a lot of space for and attention to their development. Both as individuals and as a member of our team. From our own Power2Improve Academy we offer you many opportunities for development, including Happy, High Performance Team Building and our certified courses Triple A+ Trainer, Teacher and Coach and Triple A+ Talent Trainer and Coach.

Unique Want to Work-basis

Power2Improve works on the basis of a unique, stringent Want to Work basis. That means that you work on what you find entertaining and educational, in a way that is lucrative for you. You tell us what that is, distinguishing between what you can do already and what you ‘d like to (further) develop.

For questions or information, please contact our core team. We’ll be happy to help and serve freshly ground coffee!

Contact information

De Paltz 22
3452 LP Vleuten
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)6 306 696 94


Our services

Gustaaf Vocking

Gustaaf Vocking
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
+31 (0)6 330 426 19

Nathalie Soeteman

Nathalie Soeteman
Chief Communication & Engagement Officer
+31 (0)6 233 275 46