
On this page you find our leadership webinars. Do you want to stay informed about our webinars? Sign up below.

6 11, 2015

Webinar: sure ways to grow as a leader?

By |2016-11-01T11:33:53+02:00November 6, 2015|Leadership, Webinar|

This week we hosted the third – and last – of a series of three webinars about leadership. Also this time an Ask Me Anything session on the subject of how you can (continue to) grow as a leader. Some of the issues we have discussed: How do you ensure that you [...]

1 11, 2015

Webinar: What are your biggest leadership dilemma’s?

By |2016-11-01T11:33:54+02:00November 1, 2015|Leadership, Webinar|

An AMA (Ask Me Anything) session about your major leadership dilemmas. Ask us anything on the topic! We invited you to do so, and that's what you did. Thanks to all the cat, dog and alligator like leaders from a.o. Ukraine, Florida, New York, Azerbaijan and Australia who joined our Leadership webinar last night! [...]

7 10, 2015

Watch the webinar on the tricky leadership-friend dilemma

By |2016-12-05T12:09:09+02:00October 7, 2015|Leadership, Webinar|

How wonderful to talk on a leadership dilemma with people from all over the world! During our leadership webinar, last Monday, we had the privilege of welcoming participants from amongst others Austria, The Netherlands, Switzerland, the United States and Australia. Together, we exchanged knowledge and experiences, and answered the question: 'Can you, as a leader, be friends with [...]


Power2Improve – your power to improve yourself

Our method

Besides directly applicable theory that will give you results, optimal development requires a healthy body, a healthy mind and an optimistic attitude. Therefore, we work from the principles of life coaching, vitality coaching, appreciative coaching and Positive Psychology. Where it helps and is needed, complemented with Oriental theories and practices. We work evidence based: from research and – especially – if it works for you.

Why us?

10 reasons to choose Power2Improve:

1. Customization
2. Experiential learning
3. Evidence based
4. Concrete and tangible approach
5. Controllable results
6. Personal intake
7. Immediately applicable in your
own practice
8. International experience
9. Taking learning style into account
10. Attention to body and mind

Contact information

De Paltz 22
3452 LP Vleuten
The Netherlands


Telephone: +31 (0)6 - 306 696 94
Email: contact@power2improve.com

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