Certified by Power2Improve

Writing Skills – Bachelor level

The following individuals completed the Power2Improve Writing Skills – Bachelor level course and demonstrated that they:

  • have sufficient knowledge of the Power2Improve Writing Skills – Bachelor level theory to be able to apply it in practice situations
  • are able to apply the Power2Improve Writing Skills – Bachelor level theory in practice situations


Title (position)

First name, Last Name Description
First name, Last Name Description
First name, Last Name Description

Presentation Skills – Bachelor level

The following individuals completed the Power2Improve Presentation Skills – Bachelor level course and demonstrated that they:

  • have sufficient knowledge of the Power2Improve Presentation Skills – Bachelor levelt heory to be able to apply it in practice situations
  • are able to apply the Power2Improve Presentation Skills – Bachelor level theory in practice situations


Title (position)

First name, Last Name Description
First name, Last Name Description
First name, Last Name Description

Information Skills – Bachelor level

The following individuals completed the Power2Improve Information Skills – Bachelor level course and demonstrated that they:

  • have sufficient knowledge of the Power2Improve Information Skills – Bachelor level theory to be able to apply it in practice situations
  • are able to apply the Power2Improve Information Skills – Bachelor level theory in practice situations


Title (position)

First name, Last Name Description
First name, Last Name Description
First name, Last Name Description


Your LinkedIn Profile is the 24/7 representation of your professional knowledge and achievements. Adding your Bachelor Academic Skills certification attracts opportunities and contributes considerably to your career success. Did you know that, on average, LinkedIn members with certifications receive 6x more views to their profile?
Adding your Power2Improve Bachelor Academic Skills  certification to your LinkedIn profile is very easy. Just click on the button that we include in the email that officially states that you have met the passing criteria. In this email you will find a link that presents you with an automatically populated certification field, complete with the details of the course that you completed. By default ‘March 2016’ is filled in as a starting date. Via a click on ‘Edit Activity Details’, you can easily customize this information. When you click ‘Save’, LinkedIn will seamlessly add the certification to your LinkedIn Profile. Please note that it may take up to 30 seconds for the pop-up box to load and to be shown.
Once published on your LinkedIn Profile you can find your certification badge under the Certifications Section. See the example below. If you’ve never added a certification, you’ll first want to add a Certifications Section. Under your profile summary at the top, you’ll see two sections that you can add to your profile. If you don’t see Add Certifications here, click View More to see a full list of sections you can add.

Would you like to receive a hardcopy or digital certificate as well, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Certification LinkedIn

Everyone who passes the criteria of our courses is eligible for a certificate and a certification badge. This holds for Academic Skills Courses and Professional Education Courses, as well as for courses that you have taken as a selected Talents4Business program participant or a Volunteers Academy student.
Yes, your certification is reflecting your ability to apply Bachelor Academic Skills. Therefore you need to have practiced it successfully not longer than two years ago. In case your certification has expired,contact us to discuss how you can renew it.
We value your privacy. Therefore we do not put your details on our website, but with your explicit permission. Would you like us to add your name and achievement to the Certification List, please contact us.


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