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Do the DIY LinkedIn Check and convince that recruiter

So you want that dream job? What recruiters certainly do before they decide whether to invite you or not, is check your LinkedIn Profile. Does your profile convince them that you are the right candidate for that dream job? Do the Power2Improve Do It Yourself LinkedIn Check and present yourself at your best!

What can you expect from the Power2Improve DIY LinkedIn Check?

The Power2Improve DIY LinkedIn Check helps you to make a personal scan of your Linkedin Profile yourself.
You will check your LinkedIn Profile on the 10 main components:

  • Headline
  • Summary
  • Display of relevant websites
  • Status updates
  • Vanity url
  • Other text
  • Profile picture
  • Consistency LinkedIn Profile & CV
  • Findability of your profile
  • Recommendations and skills

For each component you will watch an online module, with tips and a concrete roadmap to optimize your LinkedIn Profile.

Who is the Power2Improve LinkedIn Check appropriate for?

The Power2Improve LinkedIn Check is suitable for anyone who wants to present him/herself professionally on LinkedIn and wants to increase the chances on getting his/her dream job as much as possible. Students and starters, but also Young Professionals, Senior Professionals, Middle Managers and Board Members benefit from it.

Do the DIY LinkedIn Check now and receive for only € 0,99* per module:

  • a short video with clear explanations about the importance of that part
  • practical tips and advice on how to use your profile in a professional and optimal way
  • a clear roadmap that you can bring into practice immediately

Buy all modules at once and pay only € 9,00 (a saving of 10%)

*Prices exclude 21% VAT and are valid until June 15, 2016 . Then applies the regular price of € 69 excl. VAT.