
19 12, 2016

4 reasons why asking for help makes you happy and successful

By |2016-12-20T23:15:56+02:00December 19, 2016|Happiness, Health, Leadership|

‘Who wants to help a person who asks for help?’, (almost) all hands go up. ‘Who asks for help easily?’, almost no one hands go up. For quite some years, this is how it goes in our workshops, all over the world. I too struggled with asking for help for a long time, [...]

15 11, 2016

Help! Stress! The 5 best ways to get rid of it.

By |2016-12-13T12:25:56+02:00November 15, 2016|Happiness, Health, People|

Your breathing is shallow, you suffer from a headache, feel tension around your neck and shoulders and your bodily reserves diminish and your immune system weakens. As a consequence you can’t enjoy the things that you normally love to do. Maybe you experience a lack of energy because of the over 100,000 words and [...]

16 11, 2015

How to deal with work stress, once and for all

By |2016-11-01T11:33:53+02:00November 16, 2015|Health|

In The Netherlands today is the start of the Week of Work Stress. It is the second time that such a week is organized. The Week of Work Stress is held to help address the topic. Because there is still a lot of shame among people who fall out, initiator and Social Affairs Minister Lodewijk Asscher knows. Do [...]

11 10, 2015

Power2Improve goes even more international

By |2016-11-01T11:33:55+02:00October 11, 2015|Happiness, Health, Leadership, People|

After over ten years of workshops, coaching and training across national borders, now we also have officially established our first office abroad. From his hometown Salzburg our new trainer, coach and colleague Martin Hofmann will help individuals and companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to improve themselves, in a sustainable way. Martin has extensive training [...]

13 08, 2015

Why friends at the office sevenfold your career opportunities

By |2017-06-15T09:52:03+02:00August 13, 2015|Happiness, Health, Leadership|

Having a best friend in the office, helps to be engaged, committed and involved. And to provide top performance. A nice chat, laugh, relaxing moment or talk in the coffee corner is not only pleasant. It is also very important. It increases your career opportunities 7x times. Having a nice chat, laugh, relaxing moment [...]

25 07, 2015

The 4 things that make people happy at work

By |2016-11-01T11:35:08+02:00July 25, 2015|Happiness, Health|

What makes people happy at work? Four things, at its core. Employees of the University of Kent have mapped out what they are. We are happy to share the outcome with you. And with all the pleasure we will help you to see how these insights will help you to get the job of your dreams. [...]

20 07, 2015

The 4 most important things you can learn from Disney’s Inside Out

By |2016-11-13T12:27:33+02:00July 20, 2015|Happiness, Health|

Disney's acclaimed, latest animation picture Inside Out takes place in the head of the 11-year-old girl Riley. Five emotions, personalized by as many characters - joy, fear, anger, sadness and disgust - help her to understand both the world in her head and that surrounding her. The script is based on director Pete Docter's own [...]

9 05, 2015

‘Empowerment, I hate it!’

By |2016-11-01T11:35:10+02:00May 9, 2015|Happiness, Health, Leadership, People|

'Empowerment, I hate it!' So said Netflix's former Chief Talent Officer Patty McCord recently. During a discussion meeting on the welfare of workers, organized by Virgin Disrupters. A woman after our own hearts! Strange for consultants who help companies to get the most out of people? At first glance it might be. But when you hear [...]


Power2Improve – your power to improve yourself

Our method

Besides directly applicable theory that will give you results, optimal development requires a healthy body, a healthy mind and an optimistic attitude. Therefore, we work from the principles of life coaching, vitality coaching, appreciative coaching and Positive Psychology. Where it helps and is needed, complemented with Oriental theories and practices. We work evidence based: from research and – especially – if it works for you.

Why us?

10 reasons to choose Power2Improve:

1. Customization
2. Experiential learning
3. Evidence based
4. Concrete and tangible approach
5. Controllable results
6. Personal intake
7. Immediately applicable in your
own practice
8. International experience
9. Taking learning style into account
10. Attention to body and mind

Contact information

De Paltz 22
3452 LP Vleuten
The Netherlands


Telephone: +31 (0)6 - 306 696 94

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