Why being perfect is not smart
Are you a perfectionist? If your immediate answer isn't 'no', chances are you are. Perfectionism is a common theme during during our coaching sessions. Wanting to [...]
Are you a perfectionist? If your immediate answer isn't 'no', chances are you are. Perfectionism is a common theme during during our coaching sessions. Wanting to [...]
Disney's acclaimed, latest animation picture Inside Out takes place in the head of the 11-year-old girl Riley. Five emotions, personalized by as many characters - joy, fear, anger, sadness and disgust - help her to understand both the world in her head and that surrounding her. The script is based on director Pete Docter's own [...]
March 1 is National Compliments Day. A good reason to wonder about the power of compliments. Because that power is staggering! The more compliments you receive, the better you feel. And... the better your results. But giving good compliments is not that easy. Neither is receiving them. Luckily both skills are simple to improve. [...]
Today there is a coach walk on the program. One about difficult emotions. Sadness, fear, anger, shame, despair and defeat. How can you best deal with it, at work and at home? Based on a conversation and some exercises we are going to work. A beautiful gift, such a walk. Both for the client and [...]
We meet them often in our coaching practice. People who move loads and loads of work, but still never do well. Never good enough anyway. This gives them a lot of trouble, and pain. The remedy is simple, but not easy. When people like this arrive somewhere late - because that preceding other action was a bit off - they pause [...]