Many people limit themselves in their choices and possibilities.
Co-creative Inner Dialogue helps you to be aware of what you are capable of and provides you with practical tools to bring all of your potential into practice. It is also a suitable method to improve your energy balance and relationships. In business and in private life.
Would you like to hear more about our Co-creative Inner Dialogue coaching, training and workshops or do you want to start right away? We will gladly help you!
What is Co-creative Inner Dialogue?
In every human being, and therefore in every personality, live various ‘selves’. The ‘perfectionist’, the ‘care giver’, the ‘enjoyer’, the ‘controler’, the ‘adventurer’ and the ‘inner critic’, for example. Each of our sub-personalities has its own way of thinking, feeling and doing, and can be experienced as an ‘inner voice’.
What are the results?
Your ‘inner voices’ can reinforce each other, in a positive or a negative sense. Co-creative Inner Dialogue is focused on the positive reinforcement of these voices, and to develop the strength of each of them to effective habits.
Stong combination
Our method is based on, and combines the strongest elements of:
Related subjects:
> Positive Psychology
> Healthy Happiness Habits
> Co-creative Communication
> Mindfulness
> Thai Yoga Massage