For educational institutions, we developed a special high performance program. Teachers, parents and former pupils help pupils of today during a series of workshops to take responsibility. For the atmosphere in the classroom and for individual and collective success, now and in the future.
Schooling Together on your school? Are you interested in the program? Or do you want to stay informed? Just let us know!
Schooling Together, the foundation for success
In education, the focus is usually on the content. While the very human side makes much difference. Also later in life. During your school days you indeed lay the foundation for your future happiness and success, personally and professionally. You not only learn reading, arithmetic and topography, but also how (not) to make friends. So, it’s very important to get all the insights on what you need to be successful, in school already. And how you and your classmates can help each other to achieve your goals.
Power2Improve developed a special program for schools with teachers, parents and former students who want to help pupils of today to take responsibility. Schooling Together: for a wonderful school time and a successful career afterwards!
Schooling Together: for a wonderful time in school and a successful career afterwards!
The program consists of three workshops:
1. Introduction: to each other and the program, making agreements for the sequel
2. Reflection: how did it go since the last workshop, what is going well already and what can be improved?
3. Future and Ambition: how can we make the next (school) years a success as well?
Special attention is paid to:
Facilitators workshops
In addition to meeting with students there are workshops for those who facilitate them in this. Ideally, the facilitators group consists of a mixture of trainers of Power2Improve and volunteers from the school. We prefer to work with combinations of teachers, parents and former pupils, so that different perpectives can be addressed.
During the supervisors workshops the volunteers gain insights in the program. They are also offered practical assistance for guidance. Because they experience the first workshop together, the facilitators also strengthen their mutual ties and cooperation.
Duration and location
The Schooling together program consist of 8 sessions, plus coaching and peer reviews. We provide workshops both on site and Incompany at the school concerned.
Transfer and licensing
Adjacent to the workshops the trainers and coaches of Power2Improve can offer long-term support. Another option is that we transfer the Schooling Together program to the school. Then the licensed facilitators can practice it themselves, as independently as possible.

Schooling Together
Summer School
For teachers, trainers and facilitators who want to start the new school year in an inspired and inspiring way, we are organizing the Schooling Together Summer School.
Related subjects:
> Inspired and Inspiring Teacher
> Schooling Together Summer School
> Triple A+ trainer and teacher