Are you and your team members future proof? Deep knowledge only (I-shaped) experts are on their way out: specific knowledge can be bought. Experts with both in-depth expertise and broad general knowledge and skills however, are in demand. These are the T-Shaped Professionals, who combine their knowledge with both strong right and left brain skills, and the know-how to balance those effectively.

T-shaped, professional, tshaped, t shaped, t, shaped In the current, rapidly changing, service and experience focused, globalizing work environment it is no longer enough to be a one-trick pony: to have a specific expertise which you apply in a specific setting, for years. So say amongst others leading innovation and design firm IDEO CEO Tim Brown, bestselling author Daniel Pink and a range of international consultancy agencies and universities.

T-shaped Professional explained

The T-shaped concept is a metaphor for the depth and breadth in an individual’s skills set. The vertical bar on the ‘T’ represents the depth of skills and expertise in a single field. The horizontal crossbar represents the ability to collaborate across disciplines with experts in other areas and to apply knowledge in fields of expertise other than one’s own. For people who don’t have a background in (applied) social sciences or HR, this usually means fathoming the complementary, ‘soft’, right brain skills of e.g.: communication, empathy, team building, negotiation, leadership, creativity and the ability to collaborate. Combined with a thorough understanding of ME (knowing who I am and where I want to go).

Custom made program

Having been working as T-shaped experts, consultants, trainers and coaches in several fields ourselves for years, we know how to combine both deep expertise and broad knowledge in practice. And how to transfer that to you and your team. We will be happy to tailor make a program that specifically meets your goals, your needs and your learning styles.

We have been working as and with managers, lawyers, econometricians, risk managers, auditors, designers, IT and internet professionals. As well as and with people with other staff and business positions. Marketers, sales agents and communication professionals, for instance.

What the experts say about the value and importance of T-shaped Professionals:

People who are T-shaped are well-rounded and versatile. They are better able to contribute their ideas to a discussion and are able to take on a variety of roles.
Tim Brown, CEO leading innovation and design firm IDEO
People who own right-brain qualities, will rule in this century. Everything else can be done better or cheaper by means of a computer or someone in a lower-wage country.
Daniel Pink, bestselling author of A Whole New Mind

T-shaped Professional Training & Coaching

From our MBA, PhD, Open Innovator Bachelor and tailor made Incompany teachings, trainings and coaching we have composed a special training and coaching program, to help you and your expert team to become true, effective and sustainable T-shaped Professionals. Please mind that the overview below is just an example of possible trainings, workshops and coaching themes. For our T-shaped Professional Training & Coaching is based on customized Personalized Training and Practical Coaching.

T-shaped, professional, training, coaching

Possible T-shape trainings, workshops and coaching themes

Boundary Crossing


  1. Communication Advisory Competency
Conflict Competency
Dealing with People you Can’t Stand
Power Presentations
Persuasive Negotiation
  2. Empathy Co-creative Communication
Emotional Intelligence in Business
People (in stead of customer) focus
  3. Critical Thinking Analytical Thinking
Strategic Thinking and Doing
Consultancy Concepts & Creativity
  4. Organizational Culture Company Culture Competency
  5. Project Management Project Management
Improved Improver
  6. Team work Result-oriented Collaboration
High Performance Team Building
  7. Creativity Concrete Creativity
Best Brainstorms
  8. Leadership Leading Without a Title or Power
Motivating Yourself and Others
 9. Networks Natural Networking
Trust Based Relationships
10. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial Thinking and Doing
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
11. Global Understanding Culture Chaos Competency
Working in virtual teams
12. Perspective Reflective practitioner

Personal development (ME)

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