
14 02, 2017

The surprising effects of love on body and mind

By |2017-02-14T15:56:05+02:00February 14, 2017|Happiness, Leadership, People|

Hugging is healthy, we told you last week. Did you know writing love letters and cards also benefits your body and mind?  The health effects are significant. ‘Aunt Nathalie, I love you.’ And: ‘This movie is for you because you are sóóóóóóóóóó sweet.’ When something unpleasant happens, the self-made cards and videos with [...]

6 12, 2016

How trust provides you with more time and money

By |2016-12-06T14:14:28+02:00December 6, 2016|Change, Happiness, People|

Last Thursday it was all over my Facebook timeline. No matter when and where I looked. The plea of Jan Terlouw was - and still is - everywhere. Surprisingly large numbers of my twenty to thirty year old peers shared the plea with praising words on Facebook. I had expected an older generation [...]

15 11, 2016

Help! Stress! The 5 best ways to get rid of it.

By |2016-12-13T12:25:56+02:00November 15, 2016|Happiness, Health, People|

Your breathing is shallow, you suffer from a headache, feel tension around your neck and shoulders and your bodily reserves diminish and your immune system weakens. As a consequence you can’t enjoy the things that you normally love to do. Maybe you experience a lack of energy because of the over 100,000 words and [...]

18 10, 2016

Why you should thank your boss more often

By |2017-01-29T20:54:34+02:00October 18, 2016|Communication, Leadership|

Getting a compliment or a pat on the back from your boss is always a great thing. But how many times do you actually show your gratitude and appreciation towards him or her? Why you should do this more often and how this contributes to your success and that of your colleagues? Read on! [...]

11 10, 2016

The 8 best tips to work effectively with the most difficult people

By |2016-11-01T11:33:51+02:00October 11, 2016|Communication, People|

Unbearable people, who doesn't know them? That one colleague who always brags, that neighbor who parks her car in an antisocial way again and again or your supervisor who always interferes with your work just a little too much. In these situations frustration, gossip or discomfort often arise faster than you'd like. According to research by the American psychologists Alan Cavaiola and [...]

13 08, 2015

Why friends at the office sevenfold your career opportunities

By |2017-06-15T09:52:03+02:00August 13, 2015|Happiness, Health, Leadership|

Having a best friend in the office, helps to be engaged, committed and involved. And to provide top performance. A nice chat, laugh, relaxing moment or talk in the coffee corner is not only pleasant. It is also very important. It increases your career opportunities 7x times. Having a nice chat, laugh, relaxing moment [...]

4 05, 2015

Nathalie shares her strong makers story on the American radio

By |2016-11-01T11:35:10+02:00May 4, 2015|Happiness, Leadership, People|

Wonder why Nathalie does the work that she does? What role her strong makers play? How the future ideally would look like for her? And how she wants to achieve that? She wil be sharing her story soon, on the American radio station 89.3 FM KZUM. In Community Matters, a weekly talk show on how people can come [...]

2 04, 2015

Mindful dealing with stress and emotions

By |2017-02-14T13:16:55+02:00April 2, 2015|Brain skills, Happiness, Health, People|

How does it feel to be angry? What happens in your body? And what is the best way, in those cases, to relax? These kids know, and tell you in this video. Do you want more peace of mind as well? A way to focus and concentrate better? To be more creative? Mindfulness helps you [...]


Power2Improve – your power to improve yourself

Our method

Besides directly applicable theory that will give you results, optimal development requires a healthy body, a healthy mind and an optimistic attitude. Therefore, we work from the principles of life coaching, vitality coaching, appreciative coaching and Positive Psychology. Where it helps and is needed, complemented with Oriental theories and practices. We work evidence based: from research and – especially – if it works for you.

Why us?

10 reasons to choose Power2Improve:

1. Customization
2. Experiential learning
3. Evidence based
4. Concrete and tangible approach
5. Controllable results
6. Personal intake
7. Immediately applicable in your
own practice
8. International experience
9. Taking learning style into account
10. Attention to body and mind

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3452 LP Vleuten
The Netherlands


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Email: contact@power2improve.com

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