Getting a compliment or a pat on the back from your boss is always a great thing. But how many times do you actually show your gratitude and appreciation towards him or her? Why you should do this more often and how this contributes to your success and that of your colleagues? Read on!

Yesterday was National Boss’s Day. On this day, employees from the United States, Canada, Lithuania and India thank their bosses. Why? To acknowledge them for having been kind and honest the whole year round. This, in fact, is not as simple and obvious as it might seem, noticed former secretary at insurance company State Farm Patricia Bays Haroski. She was the one to register National Boss’s Day with the American Chamber of Commerce in 1958. Since then, every year on and around October 16, employees reflect on all that is involved in managing, understanding and being an effective leader.

Amazing influence on business results

Being, or becoming, a kind and inspiring boss is of truly great importance. It contributes to a positive work environment, which then has an unprecedented impact on business results. Research has stated time after time that a positive relationship with your manager is one of the most important elements of employee satisfaction. According to the American research institute Gallup, a fun, concerned and enthusiastic boss leads to:

  • Higher productivity and profitability.
  • Better performances.
  • Higher customer satisfaction.
  • Less absenteeism.
  • Less unwanted staff turnover.
  • Higher attraction on new talent.
  • Employees as perfect ambassadors for the organization.

More than enough reasons to be a great boss. But what does your manager actually need to be, or become, that amazing?

This is how your boss turns into a super boss

Everyone gets more positive and productive when he or she gets a compliment once in awhile; so does your boss. Even though it might seem that your boss plans, controls and regulates your company quite easily, he or she also has to put effort in it every time. Showing a little extra appreciation from time to time will cause a positive feeling. Not only for your boss, but for you and your colleagues as well. A regular and simple ‘thank you’ when your supervisor has done something nice for you, will cause a great boost. Below you will find some more inspiration on how to thank your boss in a creative or remarkable way:

  • Thank him/her for being a true inspiration. You might have learned a lot from him/her already, which your boss might not even have noticed yet.
  • Tell your boss, together with all of your colleagues, what a crazy motivating person he or she is for your team. The whole team has great pleasure in working because of this.
  • Identify your appreciation for the patience and helpfulness of your boss, especially when you struggle with some tasks or make mistakes. Mistakes are opportunities to learn, and the opportunities you get to fix them aren’t always that obvious.
  • Show your admiration for the way your boss discovers your best qualities over and over again, and for letting you grow and develop them.

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Do you want to get the best out of yourself and your employees, with optimal results results? Then Positive leadership is for you! You will learn all about the value of a strong organizational culture and how to actually support that.

Happy, High Performance Teaming, top, resultaat, results, team, succes, success, productiviteit, productivityHappy, High Performance Teaming

During a Happy High Performance Teaming Workshop, participants learn how to get the best out of themselves, and each other, as well as how to apply what they learned, in their practice. Participants work (together) more effectively and efficiently.