Statistics abound on change. They don’t paint a pretty picture. 70% of change programs fail (think mergers, implementation of IT systems and so on). Nevertheless I keep preaching change is simple (like I did in my blog on How to really change the world). So where does it go wrong then?

My experience is that both people and organizations tend to underestimate the impact of (and hence the resistance to) change. And when organizations somewhat more realistically assess the impact they oftentimes turn to change managers like myself, passing on the task of furthering the change.

I am undecided on why we fail to do so, so often. But I do believe we can do better mostly by questioning the validity and use of the change proposed.

Questions to pose:

  • Your Content Goes Here
  • What is the goal to what this change is a means to?
  • Who will benefit from this (and understand that after our explanation)?
  • Who will benefit from this (and understand that after our explanation)?
  • Do we truly believe this can and should be done?


If the answer to the last question is no: don’t do it.

Photo AttributionShare Alike Some rights reserved by love2dreamfish