career development

15 05, 2016

We will proudly tailor make the Tilburg Top Talent Program

By |2016-05-23T21:07:43+02:00May 15, 2016|Leadership, People|

At the Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) Vice Dean's request we will tailor make a talent development program. For (future) board members of TiSEM's 6,000 member study association Asset, and other Tilburg University top talents. With the Tilburg Top Talent Program TiSEM will give further substance to the ambitious and innovative mission of [...]

1 11, 2015

Webinar: What are your biggest leadership dilemma’s?

By |2016-11-01T11:33:54+02:00November 1, 2015|Leadership, Webinar|

An AMA (Ask Me Anything) session about your major leadership dilemmas. Ask us anything on the topic! We invited you to do so, and that's what you did. Thanks to all the cat, dog and alligator like leaders from a.o. Ukraine, Florida, New York, Azerbaijan and Australia who joined our Leadership webinar last night! [...]

19 09, 2015

Free live webinar on leadership and being friends with your team

By |2016-11-01T11:35:06+02:00September 19, 2015|Happiness, Leadership, People|

Can you, as a leader, be friends with the people in your team? This question was asked us recently. We found there is a whole lot to say about this topic. So much, that we decided to host a webinar about it on Meanwhile the 'Blabinar' has been scheduled. On October 5th, starting at [...]

25 07, 2015

The 4 things that make people happy at work

By |2016-11-01T11:35:08+02:00July 25, 2015|Happiness, Health|

What makes people happy at work? Four things, at its core. Employees of the University of Kent have mapped out what they are. We are happy to share the outcome with you. And with all the pleasure we will help you to see how these insights will help you to get the job of your dreams. [...]

2 07, 2015

Interviewed on feminine leadership and success

By |2016-11-01T11:35:10+02:00July 2, 2015|Change, Happiness, Leadership|

Recently Gustaaf and Nathalie had the honor of being interviewed by the wonderful American author, professor and consultant Deirdre Breakenridge, during her podcast show Women Worldwide. On the show, they discussed their work with executives, the leadership characteristics for success and the challenges that women face in their professional roles. They also shared information about the [...]

10 09, 2014

Gustaaf is ready for Croatia

By |2016-11-01T11:35:15+02:00September 10, 2014|Brain skills, Change, Communication, Leadership, People|

Before summer we won the international tender of the European Union to boost PhD education in Croatia. Here you see Gustaaf in full preparation of his two-week trip. In four three-day workshops he will be training university professors and staff from all the universities in Croatia on how to train PhD students on leadership, professional [...]

5 01, 2013

To change the world

By |2016-11-01T11:35:22+02:00January 5, 2013|Change, Happiness, Leadership, People|

"What it is exactly that you do Gustaaf...?" I was about to deliver my elevator pitch on consulting, training and coaching of top managers, experts and top talents. But she beat me immediately by pre-emptively posing the follow-up question: "And you do that so as to achieve what?" Sometimes hard questions have surpisingly simple answers: [...]


Power2Improve – your power to improve yourself

Our method

Besides directly applicable theory that will give you results, optimal development requires a healthy body, a healthy mind and an optimistic attitude. Therefore, we work from the principles of life coaching, vitality coaching, appreciative coaching and Positive Psychology. Where it helps and is needed, complemented with Oriental theories and practices. We work evidence based: from research and – especially – if it works for you.

Why us?

10 reasons to choose Power2Improve:

1. Customization
2. Experiential learning
3. Evidence based
4. Concrete and tangible approach
5. Controllable results
6. Personal intake
7. Immediately applicable in your
own practice
8. International experience
9. Taking learning style into account
10. Attention to body and mind

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3452 LP Vleuten
The Netherlands


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