Team coaching

Do you want to grow as a team? Get the best results by making full use of each other’s ideas and talents? Our team coaches are happy to help you to achieve just that.

Step by step to your top team

Step by step we help you to outline, and then to find or create your ideal team composition. In doing so, we focus on everyone’s unique talents. What really suits you as a team, what the team members are enthusiastic about and what gives you energy. We help you to understand each other’s competences and development opportunities and wishes. We also support you to fulfill these. In such a way that you can all come to full bloom and development. And to deal with each other, managers, colleagues, partners and all the other people around you in the most pleasant way.

Team coaching is suitable for both beginning and longer existing teams of people who want the best results and are open to personal and team development. During team coaching there is room for both professional and personal issues.

The right coaching for jou

Would you like to focuses on career issues specifically? Then choose our career coaching. Would you like to be supported in the development of your business (idea) and make it a success, in a way that suits you? Than business coaching is right for you. Would you like to receive help with your development as a top entrepreneur, top manager or top director or do you wish for an independent sounding board or a sparring partner? Then choose executive coaching. You can also choose Personalized Training en Practical Coaching: an individual learning trajectory in groups.

Do you want to learn how the power of enthusiasm can help you to accelerate and strengthen both personal and organizational change? How you (along with others) can shift from ‘should‘ to ‘willing and able’, in a fun and effective way? Then choose our specially for this purpose developed enthusiasm coaching.

Our approach

We work from the principles of life coaching, vitality coaching, appreciative coaching and Positive PsychologyWhere ithelps and is needed, complemented with other Eastern and Western theories and practices. Continuously we work evidence based: based on research and – especially – when it works for you. We focus on your – individual or team – aspirations, needs, values ​​and talents. With the aim to let them optimally flourish and create the best and most lasting results. There is room for business and private issues. In consultation with you(r team) we look at all relevant factors that may help: the mental or psychological, physical, social and emotional aspects.



Do you have any questions about our coaching, or do you want to start right away? We’d love to hear from you!


Our coaching is based on a.o. Positive Psychology. Would you like to know what this movement is about? Check out these videos. Wondering what this could mean for you? Don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation!

4x as successful (as team)

Book a Strength Creator Scan and get insight into which qualities make you strong and bring you to fruition. Or grant your team a Strength Creator Analysis Session as a gift and discover how you can be 4x as successful, while you work less hard.