Relevant learning efficiency, skill development and transfer to practice are getting more and more important in the world of consulting, coaching and training. Therefore, since the last century, we have been using the combination of online and offline methods and tools, and strengthening them with the latest insights from (brain-) science. At the request of our clients, we have been developing complete courses, (international) programs and minors, in our unique student tailored blended and brain-based learning Studentimized Blended Learning concept. Both higher education institutions, as well as for large, national organizations, multinational corporations and the government. At home and abroad.

We have been providing educational innovation programs at e.g.:

inholland, hbo, hogeschool, onderwijs
Nyenrode, universiteit, onderwijs
Nyenrode, universiteit, onderwijs
Amsterdam, University, Applied Sciences
The Hague, University, applied sciences
Kroatie, universiteit, onderwijs
Kroatie, universiteit, onderwijs
Schooling Together, high performance team, education

Plenty examples of our educational innovation programs:

  • For University of Applied Sciences InHolland we designed and provided the first competency-based programs for universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands: Computer and Information Science.
  • For Nyenrode Business University we developed the first blended learning MBA program in 2000 already.
  • For NHTV Breda, we developed and provided competency-based education (Project Management, Management Skills and Entrepreneurship) as well as a completely new international Bachelor program.
  • At the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences/Johan Cruyff Institute we provided an assessment concerning student development and prior learning.
  • For The Hague University we trained teachers and staff in dealing with cultural differences for their new, intensive international Bachelor program.
  • For the same educational program we developed and provided various modules in the fields of Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Worldwide and time-independently students followed education and were taught to collaborate in virtual teams.
  • For international students at The Hague University we developed and provided the English language, intense minor How to Really Change the World concerning change skills (15 ECTS).
  • We also took provided complete modules for an MBA program and other University of Applied Sciences Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs.
  • Geselecteerd en gefinancierd door de Europese Unie verzorgden we voor alle universiteiten in Kroatië het PhD Skill Development Programma. Daarin leerden professoren hoe ze zelf dergelijke skill-ontwikkelprogramma’s kunnen ontwikkelen én uitvoeren. Dit op basis van onze gecertificeerde Triple A+ Trainer, Teacher and Coach-aanpak.
  • Selected and funded by the European Union, we took care of the all Croatian universities’ PhD Skill Development Program. Based on our certified Triple A + Trainer, Teacher and Coach approach, teachers were taught how to develop and implement such a skill-development program.
  • For schools that want and dare to focus on the diminishing of bullying, doing more and developing in a happier way, we developed and provided the Schooling Together program.
  • For Tilburg University (TiSEM) we develop and provide the bilingual full skills development program for Bachelor students. Facilitated by our proficient method 1,000 freshmen from six different courses are becoming proficient in Writing Skills, Information Skills and Presentation Skills. In a very effective and economic way.

Our courses, programs and minors are based on Studentimized Blended Learning and 21st Century Learning.

blended learning, blended, learning, onderwijs, innovatie, onderwijsinnovatie, vernieuwing, onderwijsvernieuwing, studentimized, spoc, SPOC

Our presentations, lectures and workshops in the media

Regularly we provide keynote presentations, lectures and workshops on our experience in education and educational innovation by working combinations of curriculum (re)design, modern media and resources and brain-based learning. More than 10,000 high school, Bachelor, Master and PhD students, professors and professionals followed our brain skills workshops, including Building a Better Brain. Increasingly based on modern insights, methods and technique(s), but, above all, aimed at engagement,results and (learning) returns. In 2015, the Center for Curriculum Redesign presented a study on learning the future. Customers made us aware of this. They recognized our approach. “Moreover, your approach is very nice, online and offline!’

universiteit, hbo, hogeschool, onderwijs, innovatie, congres
Nyenrode, universiteit, onderwijs