Relevant learning efficiency, skill development and transfer to practice are getting more and more important in the world of consulting, coaching and training. Therefore, since the last century, we have been using the combination of online and offline methods and tools, and strengthening them with the latest insights from (brain-) science. At the request of our clients, we have been developing complete courses, (international) programs and minors, in our unique student tailored blended and brain-based learning Studentimized Blended Learning concept. Both higher education institutions, as well as for large, national organizations, multinational corporations and the government. At home and abroad.
Plenty examples of our educational innovation programs:
Our courses, programs and minors are based on Studentimized Blended Learning and 21st Century Learning.
Our presentations, lectures and workshops in the media
Regularly we provide keynote presentations, lectures and workshops on our experience in education and educational innovation by working combinations of curriculum (re)design, modern media and resources and brain-based learning. More than 10,000 high school, Bachelor, Master and PhD students, professors and professionals followed our brain skills workshops, including Building a Better Brain. Increasingly based on modern insights, methods and technique(s), but, above all, aimed at engagement,results and (learning) returns. In 2015, the Center for Curriculum Redesign presented a study on learning the future. Customers made us aware of this. They recognized our approach. “Moreover, your approach is very nice, online and offline!’