So, you read my blog “The goal… is not making money“. But what is the goal, if not making money?
The good news is that the answer is simple: happiness. The bad news: happiness is hard to measure, for its highly subjective, if measurable at all.
But wait, no, companies have started using happiness as a goal for their respective stakeholders:
What if (increasing) happiness is the goal?
When (increasing) happiness is the goal things shift dramatically. All of a sudden people become long term oriented. Willing to invest short term to later reap (more) happiness. Chip Conley in his brilliant book PEAK: How great companies get their mojo from Maslow explains that this is simply because people at our level of relative comfort and luxury, need to increase meaning of our lives to become happier. We all understand how that is long term focused, right?
You might want to read, for inspiration, the real life business case (pun intended): Delivering happiness… on the somewhat succesful company Zappos.
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