What do you remember most from your school days? The material that was presented to you, that inspiring teacher or the friendships you had? Chances are that your answer is the second or third. However, the emphasis in education is usually put on the content. While the very human side makes so much difference. In school and in the rest of your life.
Power2Improve developed a special program for schools with teachers, parents and alumni who want to inspire students of today to take responsibility. Scholing Together: for a great school time and a successful career afterwards.
The program consists of three workshops: Introduction (video, in Dutch) Reflection (video, in Dutch) and Future (video, in Dutch).
Special attention is continuously payed to:
Facilitators Workshops
In addition to meeting with students, there are workshops for those who accompany them involve. The group facilitators ideally consists of a mix of trainers Power2Improve and volunteers from the school. We prefer to work with combinations of teachers, parents and alumni, so different perpectives can be addressed.
The workshops offer the volunteer counselors understanding of the program and concrete tools for guidance. The first workshop also largely self-experience, is also their mutual ties and cooperation strengthened.
Adjacent to the workshops it is possible to get guidance from the trainers and coaches of Power2Improve. Another option is to hand the Scholing Together program over to the school, so that, under license, it can be carried out by the supervisors themselves as independently as possible.
Scholing Together in your school?
Are you interested in the program? Are you curious about the possibilities for your (former) school? Or do you want to be kept informed about the program? Please let us know!
Work in progress
We are working on variations of this Performing in Teams program. Caring Together is, amongst others, under construction. Are you interested or do you have any questions of wishes? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
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