Today it is going to happen. After nine months of preparation the innovative, bilingual Academic Skills program that we designed and developed for the 1,000 new freshmen at Tilburg University will start! Wondering how the program came about and who and what was involved to create it? Read it in this blog post.
Here they are! The Assistant Trainers who will assist and support the latest batch of students at Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) for the next six months. Together with a number of Expert Trainers they will help both the newly students of the English and those of the Dutch-taught Bachelor Programs to improve their information, writing and presentation skills, in order to meet the TiSEM Quality Standard. This scale is the criterion for everything that students write and present throughout their complete Tilburg Bachelor (and Master) education. The Assistant Trainers facilitate the students’ learning processes. They do this by using Studentimized Blended Learning and Triple A+ Training, Teaching and Coaching, to make sure that the individual student learns easiest, and best. During online modules, students gain insights of what they need to further improve to meet the Quality Standard, at their own pace and in their own learning style.

F.l.t.r., f.t.t.d.: Elke van Hal, Kelly Mestrom, Ilona Deijkers, Mechteld Keller, Freek Böhm, Anoek van Vugt, Maartje Kamps, David Witte, Cheron Huskens and Hester de Vries.
Based on their academic performance during the online modules, students receive an invitation for a customized workshop. Under the guidance of an Expert Trainer they can perfect their application skills there.
Tested by students everywhere, using any device
In recent months, several students tested the online modules. Through all possible devices with an Internet connection, from all imaginable locations. Because of this we are sure that the students who start the program today will be able to study anywhere, any time, from any device.

We co-created the optimal Student Support Service
During testing and co-creation sessions TiSEM students, high school final exam candidates, and their tutors, helped us to develop the optimal Student Support Service:
- an efficient, online knowledge base (FAQ)
- moderated Facebook groups where participants can ask fellow students for help and
- office hours
Texts, presentations and video production
By far the most work of course was in conceiving and creating the online modules and all other course materials. Thankfully, we had excellent help in many different projects.
- Kelly, Thirza, Mechteld, Ilona, Margot, Maartje and Brenda prepared the texts, best practices, quizes and presentations.
- Robin, Thirza and Kelly wrote practical course guides and syllabuses, so that participants do not have to buy expensive, purely academic books.
- Freek, Brenda and Hester took care of the translation of these documents and Margot and Cheron provided them with the correct design.
- Andreas, Cheron and Sanne created visuals and video’s.
- The learning management technique was also in good hands with Andreas.
- Thirza starred as a presenter in the videos.
- Several programmers and support staff helped us from (far) abroad.
And don’t forget the hard work Ineke, Ilona, Elke and Andreas did for the Student Support Service. They arranged the platform, wrote the manual and policy, and trained the entire team on how they can best use it in practice.

Have fun and good luck!
Today, the 1,000 new TiSEM students start their Bachelor Skills eduation. After so much preliminary work we feel excited and thrilled at the same time! We are really looking forward to executing all that we have been preparing and wish all participants a ton of fun and great success!
Want to know more?
We can imagine that you want to know more about the program and how it came about. Feel free to post your questions in the comment field below or contact us directly. We are happy to help!
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